
Showing posts from June, 2017

How I First Started

I first heard about the word " Minimalism " is through a writer named, Joshua Becker . After which I created a playlist named " Become Minimalist in Singapore " in my YouTube Channel . And during that point of time, what attracts me to find out more about minimalism is this phrase called " Less is More ". So how could you achieve more when you have less? Well, it may sounds ironic and abstract if you don't really get it at the first time. Ultimately, we are "conditioned" to believe that having more is equate to happiness since young . More toys, more dresses, more shoes etc. Anything that you can name it. However, ever since young as I grew up in a lower middle income family, though I have not much stuffs but I was really living a happy life. I enjoyed playing catching with my friends; playing marbles with my cousins etc. All these don't require much stuffs! Life was simple, we were happy even without much stuffs back th...