Cold Shower

Recently both of my water heaters have spoilt. However, one was salvaged by my father in law and the other is dead. Nevertheless, I decided not to change the one that is unable to "survive" as my minimalist's instinct told me.

Since young, I have bathed in a warm or hot shower. It already becomes a habit.

But recently as I become more and more minimalistic, I will questioned everything that I use or given to me "do I really need it?"

So I googled "coldest temperature in Singapore" and I found out that the lowest temperature in Singapore is 19.0 °C which is still consider not too cold for me.

Furthermore there are more benefits for showering with "cold water" than hot ones. Which reminds me of an uncle of mine who smoke and drink for most of his adult life (he's now about 60s plus), told me "bathing in cold water is beneficial to your health!"

Till now I can vividly remember what he told me when I was still a small boy (but I didn't put into action till now).

So some of the benefits for showering in cold water are:

  • it boost recovery after a workout
  • it helps to burn fats
  • it increase mood and alertness
  • it strengthen immunity and circulation
  • it gives you attractive hair and skin
So as the motto goes "Less is more," not only I consume less energy, I also get all these health benefits.

How about you? Do you bath in cold or hot shower?


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