Staying Focus

Look around your house or table at your workplace, what do you see?

Do you see guitar lying around the corner of your room, skateboard left untouched for years, bicycle that you once loved so much, rollerblades which you used to go for lessons with it etc.....

What happened to all those stuffs now?

Did you recently just bought a fidget spinner and forget about em all?

I wouldn't be surprise if your answer is YES!

Cos that's what happened to most of us!

We lose our focus! Instead of focusing on one thing we could possibly become an expert of it, we are constantly looking for the next shinning object!

Imagine you could be the best guitarist in the world, the next best biker. Wouldn't that be great?

Now, ask yourself. "If today you can only have one skill that you will be an expert in, what would that be?"

If you already found the answer, shouldn't you be focusing on that subject matter? Shouldn't you discard all those "noises" away?

What's holding you back?

Well, if you have yet found the answer, don't worry, as long as you take on this minimalism journey, I can ensure that you will slowly find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Because minimalism is about finding what's truly matter in your life


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