Keep Those Memories

I Want Those Memories!

"Why do you seem happy most of the time and what do you do when you feel sad?" I still remember this is the question I asked my happy-go-lucky friend, Kenneth.

"I will think about those happy moments in my life and forget about those sad ones!" exclaimed Kenneth, who is always generous in sharing his thoughts.

Most of us are being "trapped in thought" that physical items bring fond memories to us. 

However the truth is, it is the memories behind those items that brought us happiness rather than the item itself.

As I was writing and sharing this post, the items that you see on the above pictures are already in the trash bin but already in the digital format.

So why do I decided to throw them away? These are the things that my loved ones gave it to me!

The decision to throw them away is not an immediate one.

They have been lying on the table and pinboard for quite some times...........

Weeks and months have gone. They are still there.

"They are collecting dusts, not memories!" I said to myself.

As a minimalist, we want less stuffs and more space for happy thoughts. If you are wasting so much time tidying up your endless stuffs, how are you going to make time to think about those happy moments?

Easier said than done! Well, I'm an ordinary person just like you and I share my past experience here

Do comments below and share your experience too.


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