Mental Clutter

how to get rid of mental clutter

Physical Clutter Gone, What's Next?

Well done! You have already got rid many of your non-essential physical stuffs. "So, what's next?" You ask yourself.

I'm still not feeling happy and fulfilled! 

Worse still, I feel emptiness! 

Well, I can connect with you! That's why we have a community!

For those working adults, you might be constantly worrying about your unstable job. For kids, they still have worries about their endless tests and exams. For the elderly, they consistently worry about their health, children or even grandchildren.

Getting Rid of Mental Clutter

"Didn't you promise that minimalism will bring in more time freedom and happiness?" You wondered......

Yes! Life is a marathon and not a sprint. If you need to train for a marathon, how would you do it?

Would you straight away run a 42km and get yourself injure, or would you gradually improve your physical strength weeks by weeks, months by months and go for the marathon next year?

I know that in this fast pace society especially in the developed countries, most of us want things fast. But that's not the way to go (Read about my life as a minimalist after one year.) Even till now, I considered myself as 1/4 done.

But definitely, nowadays I have more time freedom to focus on the things that I truly enjoy.

So back to the topic, "how do I get rid of my mental clutter?"

My simple answer to you is "live in the present!"

What do I mean by that?

Below are just some examples:
  • If you are in doubt, ask
  • If you are in a toxic working environment, leave
  • If you are hungry, eat
  • If you are bored, call a friend
  • If you are tired, rest
I know all these sounds very common sense, but ask ourselves honestly, how many of us don't practise it?

Take a look at the 2nd example, do you have friends where the moment you meet up with them, either they complain about their job or their bosses and yet the next day they repeat the same thing over and over again?

Life's short, do what you need to do. Be simple, be a minimalist!


  1. I would just take a ticket and go live somewhere less influenced by social media idk, a forest in Cambodia. I think our phones are some of the biggest clutter makers for our minds


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